od hotspot 26. 7. 2007 19:34
V poslednich letech se to v mem zebricku brutalne prohazelo, tak sem hodim par oblibenych reziseru + pro mne jejich nejlepsi film:
Stanley Kubrick - 2001: The Space Oddysey
David Lynch - The Elephant Man, Mulholland Drive
Alejandro González Ińárritu - 21 Grams
James Cameron - Terminator II
Christopher Nolan - Memento
Sam Mendes - American Beauty
Darren Aronofsky - Requiem For Dream
Richard Kelly - Donnie Darko
Robert Rodriguez - Desperado
Kevin Smith - Clerks, Mallrats
A aby bylo i neco ceskeho:
Juraj Herz - Spalovac mrtvol
Jan Hrebejk - Pelisky
"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain